Maintaining Electrical Power In Your Home

The Benefits of Underground Powerlines

If you are designing a power network, you may not have considered installing underground powerlines. Many benefits can be gained from using underground lines. Read on to find out more.

Reduced visual intrusion

Sensitive areas such as historical sites and natural landscapes often benefit from the use of underground powerlines. This is especially true in conservation areas that are protected by various environmental acts. The visual intrusion caused by overhead lines can be detrimental to the local environment, and may even lead to negative social impacts, such as graffiti or littering on pylons. In addition, aesthetic aspects such as power poles being forced into different shapes to accommodate their conductors can also harm the surrounding area.

Underground lines have a far lower visual impact than overhead lines and so do not require the same amount of screening or tree trimming. Where possible, access to underground corridors can be restricted to ensure no damage is done. This can be enforced by the use of fences and security cameras, for example.

Improved public safety

It's not just the local environment that benefits from underground lines — the public can also enjoy advantages by having them installed in their area. Underground lines are significantly safer than overhead lines due to reduced risk of damage caused by weather, natural disasters or vandalism. The reduced risk of damage means that there is less chance of accidental contact with the lines themselves — particularly important in populated areas.

Improved efficiency and reliability

As well as being safer than overhead lines, underground powerlines are typically more reliable. Underground lines are better at handling surges in power demand, particularly during peak periods. This is due to the lower line impedance caused by having a smaller radius conductor — meaning that the electricity flows more easily through the underground system. Underground systems can also be constructed with separate circuits, allowing for greater reliability in case of faults occurring on the line.

Reduced noise pollution and electromagnetic interference

Overhead powerlines can contribute significantly to noise and electromagnetic pollution, and underground lines tend not to be as much of a problem in this regard. Underground powerlines tend not to be affected by other types of electrical devices, such as those used by the railways, for example. This means that there is a reduced chance of electrical interference impacting on neighbouring properties.

If you would like to find out more, you should contact a local contractor today. They can provide more information regarding power installation.