Maintaining Electrical Power In Your Home

Can You Install Solar Panels on a Flat Roof?

It's difficult to avoid the constant drumbeat of bad news when it comes to the future plight of the planet. It seems that global warming is almost beyond control, and much needs to be done at short notice to try and address this change. You may have vowed to do your own bit and really want to install a solar array. However, you've got a flat roof and wonder if this is suitable.

Good News

You can certainly install solar panels on a flat roof, so long as certain modifications are made when they are introduced. Fundamentally, you must ensure that they can "self-clean" after any rainstorms, and everything must be configured so that you avoid any damage from strong wind.

It's also a good idea to install the latest type of solar panel that can automatically turn and follow the trajectory of the sun. Some people think that they are less efficient than the traditional solar cell, but they will be in operation for a longer period of time on a given day, so they will effectively generate more power than a stationary configuration.

Other Advantages

You may be better off installing solar panels on your flat roof for a variety of other reasons. For example, it's a lot easier to access a flat roof, and your electrician will be able to work without too much worry. Furthermore, your solar array may be invisible from down below and be far less intrusive as a consequence.


Remember, the panels will need to be mounted carefully and with a certain amount of elevation. This will help them to remain clean following a rain shower, as the water will be able to wash away any dirt and debris, maintaining efficiency. Typically, the panels will be installed on top of an A-frame, but your electrician is best placed to advise the course of action based on an initial inspection.

Fixed Down

You may also have to add some ballast to the frame, so the panels can be fixed down at all times. This may involve some structural alterations, especially if you live in an area that is prone to high winds at certain times of year. Nevertheless, this is a one-time job, and once it is done, you won't need to worry about flying panels when the next tropical cyclone blows through.

Getting Down to Work

You'll be pleased to know that you can do your bit for the planet and decrease the size of your carbon footprint. Chat with your electrician as soon as possible, so that you can draw up a plan of action.